
Archive for May, 2012

2 Corinthians 6:4 (5:20–6:10) “but in everything commending ourselves as servants of God,

Once we’ve made the commitment to accept Christ as our personal savior, we fall under contract to represent Him in this world, as we know it. Right where we are, whether rich or poor, protected by the law or not we point others to Jesus.

As ambassadors we understand that we’re here on a mission to locate fellow believers and help them grow into their jobs as replacement ambassadors. Just as He waited for me to respond to the Gospel message, we need to be ready to aid our family and friends make the decision to accept Jesus as their own Savior.

If we keep in mind that we will one day go into the presence of God and always be there, we’ll understand that our time here on earth is short. This means we don’t have much time to help family and friends around us to come to a saving knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Availability involves getting and staying busy with God given priorities and getting rid of those things that would get in the way.

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2 Corinthians 5:20 (10–21) “Therefore, we are ambassadors for Christ, as though God were making an appeal through us; we beg you on behalf of Christ, be reconciled to God.

We are no longer doctors, lawyers, designers, politicians, social workers, bus drivers, construction workers, teachers, housewives or retirees; we are now ambassador doctors, lawyers, designers, politicians, social workers, bus drivers, construction workers, teachers, housewives and retirees, 5:20.

There are few places in Scriptures where the Gospel message couldn’t be clearer. God is offering man a second chance to avoid an eternity in hell. Hell is where any normal person would not, should not want to go. This second chance includes help to realize that change now.

We stand as representatives of God with that message for anyone who will hear. So, wherever we are, there we are to be His ambassadors with a clear message of what Christ has and can do for them.

Availability involves getting and staying busy with God given priorities and getting rid of those things that would get in the way.

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2 Corinthians 5:17 (10–21) “Therefore if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old things passed away; behold, new things have come.

When Paul talks about being new in Christ he was talking more about how we look at that person, than the need for that person to realize who they are.

I do think that each of us should look carefully at what Paul said and see that because of what Christ has done for us we are no longer motivated by our flesh, 5:14 & 15. That is we no longer look to the world for direction on how to satisfy our selves, 5:16.

What I should be doing is getting rid of the old for the new way of life, 5:17. My wife recently retired and is just now looking at all her old work clothes. As she was trying to organize them she realized that she actually didn’t need them anymore. So now the plan is to get rid of them and move on. Get the idea?

But just as important, when we look at each other, we should be looking to see improvement in each other and be concerned when we don’t see it.

Sensitivity involves caring for others with the same passion you care for yourself.

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2 Corinthians 5:11 (10–21) “Therefore, knowing the fear of the Lord, we persuade men, but we are made manifest to God; and I hope that we are made manifest also in your consciences.

The “fear of the Lord” Paul here is referencing is what he mentions in the previous verse, that we (believers) will be judged. This judgment is not to determine if we can get into heaven because Jesus guaranteed that already, John 5:24.

The Corinthians knew what Paul was talking about because he had told them about this judgment in his first letter to them, 1 Corinthians 3:10–23. One day we will stand before Christ and He will test our works to determine what will be our reward, our crown, 2 Timothy 4:8.

I don’t know if the judging will be done in public or private but it is enough that He will review my life standing there with me. A lot will be burned away. How much will be to my shame and what will be left? This is the fear Paul is talking about. My desire not to disappoint Him who gave Himself for me is my motivation for serving, my “fear of the Lord”.

Decisiveness involves maintaining our commitments in spite of the distractions of life.

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2 Corinthians 5:5 (1–13) “Now He who prepared us for this very purpose is God, who gave to us the Spirit as a pledge.

The house or mansion Jesus is preparing for us in heaven is not a house like we think of it, John 14:2 & 3. Paul explains that it is a new body. Lets remember that we are not like angels or God. We are eternal physical beings created to live on a planet in a solar system somewhere.

Peter tells us that some day the earth as we know it now and this solar system will be burned up and a new system will be set up for us, one that will be exactly like what we were supposed to live in until sin entered into the picture messed everything up, 2 Peter 3.

We have two assurances of this; one is the testimony of the bible and the other is the Holy Spirit Himself. No other humans in space and time have ever been indwelled by the Spirit of God like us, New Testament believers. In the Old Testament He would posses a person for a time and then leave. But with us He stays until we get to heaven, 5:5.

Determination involves directing all our energies to complete the mission we’ve been assigned.

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2 Corinthians 4:17 (7–18) “For momentary, light affliction is producing for us an eternal weight of glory far beyond all comparison,

That “momentary, light affliction” Paul mention in 4:17 he describes differently in 4:8–10.

Paul is not talking about going on a spiritual diet to become spiritually obese. It’s when we focus too much on our daily problems that we lose perspective and forget that we’re here for just a short time in comparison with eternity.

Now Paul calls them light because although the weight of our responsibilities is real we won’t be crushed by them; even though there will be times when we can’t understand what God is doing we won’t give up; attacked for our faith we won’t feel left alone; or with life threatening illness but still able to witness because we know that ultimately Jesus will use our story in His ministry in this life.

Our reward is in that knowledge that somewhere someone will hear or see our witness and be changed, 4:18.

Courage involves setting your fears aside so you can do what is right.

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2 Corinthians 4:1 (1–6) “Therefore, since we have this ministry, as we received mercy, we do not lose heart,

When Paul says “we” he means all of us, from the days of the Apostles to today, all of us have this ministry. What ministry? The one he was talking about in chapter 3. That is that we are to live out our faith, where and when we can.

Even knowing that there are those who have been blinded by Satan (4:4) shouldn’t keep us from sharing what God has done for us. Like He has had mercy for us we must have mercy on others.

We’re not testifying to being better than anyone else (because we can see the truth) but instead pointing to the One able to help him or her see, the One who made us see, 4:5. We’re not here to save lives, but to point the way, John 14:6.

Courage involves setting your fears aside so you can do what is right.

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2 Corinthians 3:2 (1–18) “You are our letter, written in our hearts, known and read by all men;

Recently believers have visited our church from churches far, far away. They have moved to our area and are looking for a good church. Our standard procedure is to ask for letters of recommendation so they won’t have to be baptized again. But, we still interview them ourselves to be sure.

While Paul is presenting to the Corinthians the idea that the old Jewish law was one form of revelation from God and that now we, as believers, are another form of revelation from God (3:7–11), Paul is helping them see that his letters of recommendation are their very lives.

Again, while Moses had to protect his people from the full power of that revelation (3:7, 13), we don’t. Our lives are to reflect the impact Jesus has and is having on our lives (3:18) and people are to react or respond to it.

I don’t think I’ll ever have as many letters of recommendation as Paul, but I sure hope there will be some.

Humility involves redirecting the credit for my successes to the God and His agents who produced them.

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2 Corinthians 2:15 (12–17) “For we are a fragrance of Christ to God among those who are being saved and among those who are perishing;

I was reading an article in World magazine about a man who had observed, in his career as a successful athlete, youth pastor, senator and businessman, how the one temptation in each case remained constant; praise.

He observed how too many times good people were tempted by praise to think that it was all their doing, even among pastors. Paul is pointing out that nothing he or any of his assistants did was for any personal recognition or monetary gain. Paul said we, not I.

In the victory march of our conquering hero, Jesus Paul included himself as one conquered. The work Paul did was to advance Jesus kingdom not his own, unlike some in the church. There is nothing wrong with accepting praise for a job well done as long as we can accept criticism with the same enthusiasm.

Humility involves redirecting the credit for my successes to the God and His agents who produced them.

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2 Corinthians 2:11 (5–13) “so that no advantage would be taken of us by Satan, for we are not ignorant of his schemes.

Some think that this situation is related to that found in 1 Corinthians 5, but there’s no way of knowing. Yet, it doesn’t really matter because the situation is similar in that there had been an offense discovered.

Now it seems that the offender had asked of forgiveness of the church and they had not given it, Matthew 18:15–35. It’s very difficult to forget how you feel when an offending brother asks you to forgive him, especially if some time has passed. But Paul points in a different direction than merely what to do with my emotions.

Paul tells us to remember we’re here on a mission and Satan is out to be a hindrance to it as much as he can. Rather than trying to get over our emotions we should use them instead to help us deal with Satan. The church is much stronger when it is together. If he can separate us we will fall.

Humility involves not letting your emotions and pride dictate your decisions.

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